DungeonLevelmax PlayersRequired Quest
Arena (N)5010no
Arena (H)5010no
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (563, 681)
Acolyte Kyrie
Level: 20
Location: Prontera (577, 808)
Level: 10
Location: Sogratt Desert (644, 678)
Amused Citizen
Level: 1
Location: Prontera (743, 775)
Archer Strafing
Level: 20
Location: Prontera (904, 953)
Level: 50
Location: Road of Bless (610, 1514)
Barkeep Balger
Level: 12
Location: Prontera (785, 964)
Bay Cookie
Level: 12
Location: Prontera (954, 701)
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (568, 679)
Level: 10
Location: Prontera (757, 563)
Level: 30
Location: Prontera (660, 573)
Level: 11
Location: Prontera (824, 714)
Level: 14
Location: Prontera (954, 727)
Blood Priestess Tany
Level: 35
Location: Prontera (574, 873)
Level: 19
Location: Prontera (768, 720)
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (1107, 668)
Level: 10
Location: Prontera (760, 567)
Level: 5
Location: Prontera (711, 750)
Level: 50
Location: Road of Bless (608, 1514)
Circus Master Graham
Level: 30
Location: Prontera (643, 560)
Circus Member
Level: 10
Location: Prontera (653, 554)
Level: 10
Location: Prontera (777, 789)
Count Holgren
Level: 30
Location: Prontera (775, 814)
Level: 12
Location: Prontera (853, 956)
Culvert Researcher
Level: 20
Location: Prontera (781, 982)
Dark Grandol
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (658, 980)
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (564, 712)
Level: 19
Location: Prontera (763, 722)
Elenoa baker
Level: 50
Location: Alberta (691, 565)
Level: 10
Location: Verta Delta (1656, 1008)
Event Kafra Employee
Level: 30
Location: East Mt. Mjollnir (1322, 675)
Event NPC
Level: 50
Location: Alberta (692, 546)
Faithful Reord
Level: 35
Location: Prontera (592, 700)
Flame Lucy
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (579, 977)
Flame Lucy
Level: 35
Location: Prontera (411, 752)
Level: 50
Location: Alberta (859, 407)
Gabriel's Student
Level: 30
Location: Alberta (726, 561)
Geshutal Loengreen
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (782, 720)
Graham Circus
Level: 25
Location: Alberta (684, 421)
Green Zeppelin
Level: 10
Location: Prontera (771, 812)
Level: 10
Location: Prontera (784, 789)
Level: 10
Location: Prontera (782, 807)
Guard Joel
Level: 25
Location: Prontera (1170, 841)
Guard Kyle
Level: 12
Location: Prontera (569, 732)
Hans Rapad
Level: 15
Location: Prontera (785, 815)
Level: 12
Location: Prontera (973, 687)
High Priest Edwin
Level: 30
Location: Prontera (576, 872)
Level: 21
Location: Prontera (415, 782)
Hunter Kunibert
Level: 50
Location: Alberta (762, 542)
Hunter Monika
Level: 50
Location: Alberta (766, 549)
Impregnable Klaus
Level: 25
Location: Prontera (500, 659)
Level: 26
Location: Prontera (1070, 851)
Invincible Venatu
Level: 35
Location: Prontera (533, 704)
Level: 49
Location: Road of Bless (605, 1535)
Ivia Silloin
Level: 15
Location: Prontera (791, 809)
Level: 49
Location: Road of Bless (605, 1538)
Level: 14
Location: Prontera (804, 653)
Level: 10
Location: Prontera (791, 789)
Kafra Bellina
Level: 30
Location: Prontera (775, 986)
Kafra Burette
Level: 30
Location: Prontera (719, 734)
Kafra Einsope
Level: 50
Location: Alberta (674, 520)
Kafra Esi
Level: 30
Location: Prontera (721, 732)
Kafra Evaline
Level: 30
Location: Prontera (764, 548)
Kafra Raven
Level: 20
Location: Prontera (761, 548)
Kafra Roel
Level: 19
Location: Prontera (559, 776)
Kafra Rosina
Level: 30
Location: Prontera (696, 722)
Kafra Sena
Level: 30
Location: Prontera (778, 986)
Level: 10
Location: Prontera (749, 562)
Level: 15
Location: Prontera (759, 988)
Level: 10
Location: Prontera (797, 873)
King Reinhard
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (406, 767)
Kleindiana Lexington
Level: 15
Location: Prontera (789, 808)
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (567, 684)
Knight Leader Zeras Hyperion
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (772, 821)
Knight Schubert
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (569, 725)
Knight Selma
Level: 16
Location: Prontera (589, 723)
Level: 19
Location: Prontera (763, 789)
Level: 20
Location: Prontera (579, 971)
Losco Alvin
Level: 50
Location: Alberta (681, 530)
Magic Scholar Trowa
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (422, 751)
Magician Firewall
Level: 20
Location: Prontera (549, 776)
Level: 1
Location: Payon Forest (1205, 495)
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (591, 712)
Master Enrang
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (1208, 820)
Merchant Trader
Level: 35
Location: Prontera (1167, 838)
Level: 12
Location: Prontera (833, 556)
Mini & Mongi
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (711, 764)
Level: 25
Location: Payon Forest (1114, 875)
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (571, 687)
New Mercenary Recruiter
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (714, 742)
Night Stalker Calas
Level: 40
Location: Prontera (662, 860)
Night Watcher Rokponmatz
Level: 35
Location: Prontera (609, 972)
Level: 10
Location: Prontera (753, 797)
Odin Orthodox Priest
Level: 25
Location: Prontera (565, 810)
Palace Guard
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (652, 759)
Pillomena Marsh
Level: 50
Location: Alberta (762, 549)
Level: 15
Location: Prontera (954, 698)
Poor Wildrose
Level: 25
Location: Prontera (1165, 842)
Possessed Priest
Level: 25
Location: Prontera (564, 835)
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (562, 688)
Prontera Citizen
Level: 1
Location: Prontera (937, 894)
Prontera Hunter
Level: 25
Location: Prontera (905, 959)
Prontera Knight
Level: 30
Location: Prontera (573, 765)
Prontera Knight
Level: 35
Location: Prontera (575, 765)
Prontera Knight
Level: 25
Location: Prontera (574, 709)
Prontera Warrior
Level: 25
Location: Prontera (562, 726)
PvP Arena Guard
Level: 30
Location: Prontera (1110, 673)
Queen Kamil
Level: 30
Location: Prontera (411, 796)
Level: 19
Location: Prontera (834, 570)
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (567, 688)
Level: 19
Location: Prontera (818, 569)
Red Lotus Pei
Level: 35
Location: Prontera (596, 835)
Repal's Wind
Level: 25
Location: Prontera (532, 676)
Retired Knight Vanguard
Level: 20
Location: Prontera (737, 980)
Level: 15
Location: Prontera (779, 545)
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (571, 681)
Level: 49
Location: Road of Bless (605, 1531)
Level: 12
Location: Prontera (832, 985)
Saint Ramort
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (581, 806)
Saintess Aione
Level: 30
Location: Prontera (579, 873)
Saintess Aione
Level: 20
Location: Prontera (561, 853)
Saintess Fan Club Member
Level: 5
Location: Prontera (776, 810)
Saintess Fan Club Member
Level: 10
Location: Prontera (777, 809)
Saintess Fan Club Member
Level: 15
Location: Prontera (778, 816)
Servant Albert
Level: 6
Location: Prontera (425, 779)
Shadow Assassin
Level: 25
Location: Prontera (643, 962)
Level: 14
Location: Prontera (819, 558)
Skora Precious
Level: 30
Location: Prontera (812, 775)
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (559, 682)
Level: 12
Location: Prontera (773, 571)
Supplies Reward Giver
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (565, 681)
Swordman Magnum
Level: 20
Location: Prontera (585, 728)
Level: 11
Location: Alberta (900, 548)
The Great Stia
Level: 35
Location: Prontera (415, 751)
The Great Stia
Level: 40
Location: Prontera (646, 798)
Thief Double
Level: 20
Location: Prontera (657, 955)
Level: 50
Location: Road of Bless (606, 1516)
Level: 19
Location: Prontera (813, 569)
Traitor Revi
Level: 25
Location: Prontera (607, 970)
Treasure Hunter Myunel
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (761, 799)
Unidentified Child
Level: 50
Location: Alberta (681, 524)
Level: 10
Location: Prontera (754, 562)
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (558, 685)
Wild Shutis
Level: 35
Location: Prontera (910, 955)
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (561, 684)
Zeras Hyperion
Level: 50
Location: Prontera (587, 683)
Accessory563, 681Acolyte Kyrie577, 808Alex644, 678
Amused Citizen743, 775Archer Strafing904, 953Audrey610, 1514
Barkeep Balger785, 964Bay Cookie954, 701Beastmaster568, 679
Bellan757, 563Biggs660, 573Blazan824, 714
Blonda954, 727Blood Priestess Tany574, 873Blyth768, 720
Brondus1107, 668Cassandria760, 567Change711, 750
Chloe608, 1514Circus Master Graham643, 560Circus Member653, 554
Corchy777, 789Count Holgren775, 814Crupaz853, 956
Culvert Researcher781, 982Dark Grandol658, 980Dennis564, 712
Eimroto763, 722Elenoa baker691, 565Enchantia1656, 1008
Event Kafra Employee1322, 675Event NPC692, 546Faithful Reord592, 700
Flame Lucy579, 977Flame Lucy411, 752Gabriel859, 407
Gabriel's Student726, 561Geshutal Loengreen782, 720Graham Circus684, 421
Green Zeppelin771, 812Grenstar784, 789Guard782, 807
Guard Joel1170, 841Guard Kyle569, 732Hans Rapad785, 815
Hayes973, 687High Priest Edwin576, 872Holgren415, 782
Hunter Kunibert762, 542Hunter Monika766, 549Impregnable Klaus500, 659
Intellia1070, 851Invincible Venatu533, 704Isard605, 1535
Ivia Silloin791, 809Jelanty605, 1538Jessica804, 653
Jillesso791, 789Kafra Bellina775, 986Kafra Burette719, 734
Kafra Einsope674, 520Kafra Esi721, 732Kafra Evaline764, 548
Kafra Raven761, 548Kafra Roel559, 776Kafra Rosina696, 722
Kafra Sena778, 986Kaland749, 562Kannabaro759, 988
Kembly797, 873King Reinhard406, 767Kleindiana Lexington789, 808
Knight567, 684Knight Leader Zeras Hyperion772, 821Knight Schubert569, 725
Knight Selma589, 723Kuites763, 789Leverage579, 971
Losco Alvin681, 530Magic Scholar Trowa422, 751Magician Firewall549, 776
Mailbox1205, 495Marco591, 712Master Enrang1208, 820
Merchant Trader1167, 838Merin833, 556Mini & Mongi711, 764
Monk1114, 875Monk571, 687New Mercenary Recruiter714, 742
Night Stalker Calas662, 860Night Watcher Rokponmatz609, 972Nopow753, 797
Odin Orthodox Priest565, 810Palace Guard652, 759Pillomena Marsh762, 549
Pinoa954, 698Poor Wildrose1165, 842Possessed Priest564, 835
Priest562, 688Prontera Citizen937, 894Prontera Hunter905, 959
Prontera Knight573, 765Prontera Knight575, 765Prontera Knight574, 709
Prontera Warrior562, 726PvP Arena Guard1110, 673Queen Kamil411, 796
Radica834, 570Ranger567, 688Rebucco818, 569
Red Lotus Pei596, 835Repal's Wind532, 676Retired Knight Vanguard737, 980
Riker779, 545Rogue571, 681Roite605, 1531
Rudby832, 985Saint Ramort581, 806Saintess Aione579, 873
Saintess Aione561, 853Saintess Fan Club Member776, 810Saintess Fan Club Member777, 809
Saintess Fan Club Member778, 816Servant Albert425, 779Shadow Assassin643, 962
Simong819, 558Skora Precious812, 775Sorcerer559, 682
Steer773, 571Supplies Reward Giver565, 681Swordman Magnum585, 728
Taksi900, 548The Great Stia415, 751The Great Stia646, 798
Thief Double657, 955Tiaman606, 1516Tizai813, 569
Traitor Revi607, 970Treasure Hunter Myunel761, 799Unidentified Child681, 524
Vigor754, 562Warrior558, 685Wild Shutis910, 955
Wizard561, 684Zeras Hyperion587, 683
Blue Elemental
Level: 25
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Divine White Tiger
Level: 25
Aggressive: no
Element: Neutral
Freyjanity's Puppet
Level: 25
Aggressive: no
Element: Neutral
Mysterious Assassin
Level: 25
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Red Elemental
Level: 25
Aggressive: no
Element: Neutral
Suspicious Assassin
Level: 25
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Troublemaker Member
Level: 10
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Blue Elemental31648, 813Divine White Tiger11144, 883
Freyjanity's Puppet7873, 985Mysterious Assassin11191, 836
Red Elemental7649, 818Suspicious Assassin121089, 850
Troublemaker Member1645, 583

