DungeonLevelmax PlayersRequired Quest
Arrogance's Vanaheim11no
Secret Forest Tomb (N)275no
Secret Forest Tomb (H)505no
Aide Crescentia
Level: 35
Location: Payon Forest (1745, 221)
Level: 18
Location: Payon Forest (1185, 473)
Level: 39
Location: Payon Forest (1194, 496)
Level: 30
Location: Payon Forest (1932, 250)
Level: 30
Location: Payon Forest (1921, 863)
Asceticism Master Wall-Chun
Level: 28
Location: Payon Forest (1147, 875)
Level: 12
Location: Verta Delta (1655, 627)
Level: 50
Location: Payon Forest (1597, 396)
Beastmaster Sin
Level: 50
Location: Payon Forest (1853, 832)
Level: 12
Location: South Plain (505, 1542)
Berk’s Bag
Level: 1
Location: Payon Forest (1666, 830)
Level: 39
Location: Payon Forest (1844, 304)
Captured Monk
Level: 30
Location: Payon Forest (1272, 244)
Captured Monk
Level: 24
Location: Payon Forest (1268, 238)
Card Master
Level: 20
Location: Payon Forest (1855, 305)
Level: 26
Location: Payon Forest (1196, 498)
Level: 1
Location: Payon Forest (1246, 464)
Egon Busters
Level: 30
Location: Payon Forest (1569, 701)
Level: 10
Location: Verta Delta (1656, 1008)
Fallen Crusader
Level: 31
Location: Payon Forest (1822, 175)
Fallen Traveler
Level: 25
Location: Payon Forest (1858, 834)
Level: 25
Location: Payon Forest (1581, 707)
Level: 39
Location: Payon Forest (1853, 316)
Level: 30
Location: Payon Forest (1922, 861)
Grand Master Je-Hoon
Level: 50
Location: Payon Forest (1108, 891)
Grandmother Myung-Ja
Level: 12
Location: Payon Forest (1852, 163)
Level: 30
Location: Payon Forest (1861, 325)
Guard Helga
Level: 27
Location: Payon Forest (1834, 415)
Guard Trudy
Level: 27
Location: Payon Forest (1833, 419)
Herb Digger Nilf
Level: 21
Location: Payon Forest (1854, 832)
Herb Digger Rilf
Level: 21
Location: Payon Forest (1933, 832)
Hillbilly Melinda
Level: 22
Location: Payon Forest (1790, 926)
Holy Cross Member
Level: 28
Location: Payon Forest (1739, 220)
Hunter Berk
Level: 23
Location: Payon Forest (1555, 699)
Hunter Slant
Level: 23
Location: Payon Forest (1929, 847)
Level: 28
Location: Payon Forest (1381, 211)
Level: 27
Location: Payon Forest (1104, 868)
Kafra Elia
Level: 27
Location: Payon Forest (1178, 493)
Kafra Gina
Level: 30
Location: Payon Forest (1564, 708)
Kafra Lilly
Level: 30
Location: Payon Forest (1178, 491)
Kafra Misha
Level: 30
Location: Payon Forest (1498, 166)
Kafra Sepia
Level: 25
Location: Payon Forest (1557, 697)
Kafra Sera
Level: 30
Location: Payon Forest (1923, 855)
Kafra Setina
Level: 29
Location: Payon Forest (1871, 315)
Ki Young
Level: 16
Location: Payon Forest (1854, 159)
Knight Kyle
Level: 25
Location: Payon Forest (1584, 386)
Knight Kyle
Level: 20
Location: Payon Forest (1557, 640)
Level: 30
Location: Payon Forest (1921, 865)
Level: 30
Location: Payon Forest (1906, 340)
Level: 25
Location: Payon Forest (1566, 700)
Level: 5
Location: Payon Forest (1856, 153)
Magic Scholar Gregor
Level: 22
Location: Payon Forest (1693, 614)
Level: 1
Location: Payon Forest (1205, 495)
Martial Arts Master Visahu
Level: 28
Location: Payon Forest (1183, 500)
Medic Stephanie
Level: 32
Location: Payon Forest (1842, 311)
Level: 25
Location: Payon Forest (1695, 610)
Mischievous Worker
Level: 27
Location: Payon Forest (1916, 854)
Level: 30
Location: Payon Forest (1115, 875)
Level: 25
Location: Payon Forest (1114, 875)
Level: 18
Location: Payon Forest (1295, 428)
Level: 29
Location: Payon Forest (1917, 838)
Level: 12
Location: Payon Forest (1841, 125)
Olivier Graham
Level: 45
Location: Payon Forest (1902, 334)
Olivier Graham
Level: 50
Location: Payon Forest (1583, 397)
Olivier Graham
Level: 24
Location: Payon Forest (1650, 397)
Level: 30
Location: Payon Forest (1906, 338)
Level: 25
Location: Payon Forest (1585, 706)
Payon Forest List Board
Level: 1
Location: Payon Forest (1552, 719)
Payon Forest's Guranyang
Level: 30
Location: Payon Forest (1568, 690)
Level: 25
Location: Payon Forest (1583, 707)
Level: 29
Location: Payon Forest (1543, 710)
Rapid Fahrenheit
Level: 30
Location: Payon Forest (1570, 720)
Level: 19
Location: Izrud Hill (1501, 1327)
Level: 29
Location: Payon Forest (1917, 849)
Level: 39
Location: Payon Forest (1212, 497)
Level: 30
Location: South Plain (533, 1518)
Level: 39
Location: Payon Forest (1216, 497)
Level: 30
Location: Payon Forest (1920, 860)
Scholar Root
Level: 22
Location: Payon Forest (1572, 712)
Level: 27
Location: Payon Forest (1173, 503)
Level: 12
Location: Payon Forest (1852, 151)
Level: 1
Location: Payon Forest (1911, 863)
Level: 30
Location: Payon Forest (1583, 398)
Level: 29
Location: Payon Forest (1546, 704)
Level: 25
Location: Payon Forest (1578, 708)
Snake Hunter Amizo
Level: 21
Location: Payon Forest (1369, 613)
Sorcery Scholar Mirzem
Level: 29
Location: Payon Forest (1840, 307)
Level: 29
Location: Payon Forest (1541, 715)
Level: 14
Location: Payon Forest (1837, 125)
Level: 26
Location: Payon Forest (1309, 346)
Submaster Song-Chu
Level: 30
Location: Payon Forest (1124, 895)
Level: 30
Location: Payon Forest (1861, 320)
Level: 30
Location: Payon Forest (1899, 341)
Level: 39
Location: Payon Forest (1838, 314)
Level: 29
Location: Payon Forest (1924, 836)
Villa Owner Shaden
Level: 28
Location: Payon Forest (1363, 635)
Level: 18
Location: Payon Forest (1192, 482)
Level: 27
Location: Payon Forest (1267, 243)
Level: 26
Location: Payon Forest (1250, 818)
Aide Crescentia1745, 221Alfreda1185, 473Angellia1194, 496
Annaliese1932, 250Arot1921, 863Asceticism Master Wall-Chun1147, 875
Balkran1655, 627Baphomet1597, 396Beastmaster Sin1853, 832
Bellona505, 1542Berk’s Bag1666, 830Brangellia1844, 304
Captured Monk1272, 244Captured Monk1268, 238Card Master1855, 305
Chulsan1196, 498Cow1246, 464Egon Busters1569, 701
Enchantia1656, 1008Fallen Crusader1822, 175Fallen Traveler1858, 834
Famas1581, 707Forcitit1853, 316Genine1922, 861
Grand Master Je-Hoon1108, 891Grandmother Myung-Ja1852, 163Greta1861, 325
Guard Helga1834, 415Guard Trudy1833, 419Herb Digger Nilf1854, 832
Herb Digger Rilf1933, 832Hillbilly Melinda1790, 926Holy Cross Member1739, 220
Hunter Berk1555, 699Hunter Slant1929, 847Hyo1381, 211
Jin-Ha1104, 868Kafra Elia1178, 493Kafra Gina1564, 708
Kafra Lilly1178, 491Kafra Misha1498, 166Kafra Sepia1557, 697
Kafra Sera1923, 855Kafra Setina1871, 315Ki Young1854, 159
Knight Kyle1584, 386Knight Kyle1557, 640Krolo1921, 865
Liselotte1906, 340Lozien1566, 700Madison1856, 153
Magic Scholar Gregor1693, 614Mailbox1205, 495Martial Arts Master Visahu1183, 500
Medic Stephanie1842, 311Milton1695, 610Mischievous Worker1916, 854
Monk1115, 875Monk1114, 875Narco1295, 428
Nikedas1917, 838Nuri1841, 125Olivier Graham1902, 334
Olivier Graham1583, 397Olivier Graham1650, 397Paimits1906, 338
Pauldron1585, 706Payon Forest List Board1552, 719Payon Forest's Guranyang1568, 690
Quiary1583, 707Rainishi1543, 710Rapid Fahrenheit1570, 720
Rappels1501, 1327Rarsang1917, 849Ratern1212, 497
Rubia533, 1518Ryupom1216, 497Sarah1920, 860
Scholar Root1572, 712Se-Ryu1173, 503Seri1852, 151
Sheep1911, 863Sieghaid1583, 398Sinorf1546, 704
Sirius1578, 708Snake Hunter Amizo1369, 613Sorcery Scholar Mirzem1840, 307
Spengolia1541, 715Su-Chul1837, 125Su-Rin1309, 346
Submaster Song-Chu1124, 895Swanhild1861, 320Sylmar1899, 341
Tarbay1838, 314Utiz1924, 836Villa Owner Shaden1363, 635
Wendel1192, 482Whi-Ryung1267, 243Yonga1250, 818
Level: 29
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Baby Poison Spore
Level: 27
Aggressive: no
Element: Neutral
Baby Venom Spore
Level: 27
Aggressive: no
Element: Neutral
Level: 27
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Black Tiger
Level: 29
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Blazing Imp
Level: 32
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Level: 29
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Chief Whirimzu
Level: 30
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Level: 31
Aggressive: no
Element: Neutral
Curse Nine Tails
Level: 32
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Level: 27
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Evil Horong
Level: 31
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Fallen Crusader
Level: 31
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Furious Red Beaer
Level: 25
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Level: 32
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Giant Bigfoot
Level: 28
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Level: 31
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Hungry Payon Tiger
Level: 29
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Illusion of Moonlight Flower
Level: 32
Aggressive: no
Element: Neutral
Level: 32
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Iron Boa
Level: 29
Aggressive: no
Element: Neutral
Killer Crabit
Level: 31
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Leader of the Forest
Level: 29
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Little Bigfoot
Level: 28
Aggressive: no
Element: Neutral
Level: 27
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Miho Guard
Level: 30
Aggressive: no
Element: Neutral
Miho Scattered Troops
Level: 30
Aggressive: no
Element: Neutral
Miho Scout
Level: 30
Aggressive: no
Element: Neutral
Miho Stormer
Level: 30
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Miho Warden
Level: 30
Aggressive: no
Element: Neutral
Nine Tails
Level: 31
Aggressive: no
Element: Neutral
OB Bear
Level: 28
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Payon Tiger
Level: 29
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Poison Boa
Level: 29
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Poison Spore
Level: 27
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Poison Toad
Level: 28
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Punished Horong
Level: 31
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Purifying Gajomart
Level: 32
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Sobbing Sohee
Level: 32
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Level: 31
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Spray Poison Spore
Level: 27
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Spray Venom Spore
Level: 27
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Tasteless Truffle
Level: 29
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Tasty Truffle
Level: 29
Aggressive: no
Element: Neutral
Level: 28
Aggressive: no
Element: Neutral
Toad King
Level: 29
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Level: 29
Aggressive: no
Element: Neutral
Truffle of Truffles
Level: 29
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Venom Spore
Level: 27
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Level: 30
Aggressive: no
Element: Neutral
Witch Leira
Level: 32
Aggressive: yes
Element: Neutral
Anantia11283, 644Baby Poison Spore11715, 1034
Baby Venom Spore91816, 786Bigfoot121554, 780
Black Tiger131250, 754Blazing Imp141495, 423
Boa161296, 646Chief Whirimzu11168, 219
Crabit271762, 611Curse Nine Tails81797, 165
Dospore11835, 916Evil Horong121772, 203
Fallen Crusader11824, 175Furious Red Beaer11854, 832
Gajomart141501, 383Giant Bigfoot151424, 824
Horong231769, 319Hungry Payon Tiger81197, 779
Illusion of Moonlight Flower11806, 553Imp121550, 377
Iron Boa121310, 564Killer Crabit251789, 506
Leader of the Forest11186, 778Little Bigfoot191610, 775
Maspore11818, 786Miho Guard281303, 233
Miho Scattered Troops171465, 230Miho Scout81326, 426
Miho Stormer281232, 200Miho Warden441162, 170
Nine Tails61827, 145OB Bear11338, 735
Payon Tiger111327, 834Poison Boa81353, 548
Poison Spore111758, 977Poison Toad71574, 647
Punished Horong71846, 198Purifying Gajomart161510, 402
Sobbing Sohee81875, 170Sohee51883, 198
Spray Poison Spore91799, 871Spray Venom Spore81838, 731
Tasteless Truffle71425, 680Tasty Truffle61409, 674
Toad121559, 656Toad King11509, 679
Truffle61389, 612Truffle of Truffles11445, 698
Venom Spore81809, 785Virus11855, 692
Witch Leira11899, 180

